"She gave poor people birth control, but she also gave [women] a way not to be poor . . . because how is there supposed to be equality among the sexes when a woman is forced to have a baby every 18 months to 2 years? . . . We took this topic to be 'someone who changed the world' . . . made the world better . . . and for women, having birth control made it possible for them to work, etc. . . . if you don't have a way to control having babies, how can you have control over anything else in your life? . . . My great-grandmother had nine children . . . most of the women in my mother's generation are professionals and they wouldn't have had
that opportunity if Margaret Sanger hadn't done what she did." Sarah Carter, as an aspiring museum curator who has already developed several exhibits on the history of labor, Poor Relief, and the Boston Teacher's Union for the Commonwealth Museum, Mass. Archives, saw the project as her group's opportunity to exhibit for others, the accomplishments of an individual who had made an incredibly important and positive contribution to our society. Moreover, Sarah feels that the process of doing the project was also
incredibly valuable to her in numerous ways: "Learning about that and really becoming aware of it was an experience that I wouldn't have had, had there only been the traditional curriculum . . . had I not had the option of doing something that was just important to you and not just an assignment."