
Books and Reports:

Asia Watch and Physicians for Human Rights; The Coward's War; Human Rights Watch; 1991.

Physicians for Human Rights; Hidden Enemies: Landmines in Northern Somalia; 1992.

Physicians for Human Rights and the Arms Project; Landmines: A Deadly Legacy; New York: Human Rights Watch; 1993.


Periodical Literature:

Ascherio, Alberto et al.; "Deaths and injuries caused by land mines in Mozambique;" The Lancett; Vol. 346; No 8977: 721-724.

Associated Press; "US subverting mine treaty; foes say" Boston Globe; March 1, 1998; 3.

Bellafante, Gina; "Kudos for a Crusader;" Time; October 10, 1997; 65.

"Beyond Landmines" The Nation; November 3, 1998; 3.

Channareth, Tun; "Peace, Step by Step;" The Nation; January 5, 1998; 7.

Cobey, James C.;" Civilian Injuries due to War Mines;" Techniques in Orthotics ; Vol 10; No 3; (1995): 259-264.

"Combat Ready"; People Weekly; October 27, 1998; 91.

Fedarko, Kevin; "Landmines: Cheap Cruel and Deadly" Time; May 13, 1996; 54-55.

"Happyish Days" The Economist; December 6, 1997, 48.

Jenish, D'Arcy; "Landing the Prize" Maclean's; October 20, 1997; 32-33.

Nelan, Bruce W.; "No Clean Sweep for Mines;" Time; September 29, 1997; 38.

Rogers, Adam; "Science of War, War of Science"; Newsweek; October 20, 1997; 51.

Roth, Kenneth; "New Minefields for NGOs;" The Nation; April 13, 1998; 22-24.

Roth, Kenneth; "Sidelined on Human Rights;" Foreign Affairs; March/April 1998; 2-6.

Semeniuk, Robert; "The Devil's Own Device;" Equinox; Sept/Oct 1996; 30-43.

Stephanopoulous, George; "The President is Wrong;" Newsweek; September 22, 1997; 40.

Wallace, Bruce; "Second Wind;" Maclean's; December 1, 1997; 18-22.


Internet Material:

Chirac, Jaques, Prime Minister of France; "Letter of Congratulations to Jody Williams;" October 11, 1997;; Online. March 11, 1998.

"Conference Background;" Online. May 25, 1998.

Craig, Judith; "Letter to President Clinton regarding the land mines treaty;" Online; April 28, 1998.

Greenburg, Jill; "Memo to USCBL Regarding US Policy Decision;" August 18, 1997; Online. April 25, 1998.

Greenburg, Jill; "Memo to USCBL Regarding Us Policy Decision;" August 19, 1997; Online. April 25, 1998.

Goldberg, Cary; "Foes of Landmines Win Nobel Peace Prize;" Online. March 12, 1998.

Gwyn, Richard; "After land mines the challenge is to find new cause"; December 10, 1997; Toronto Star Online; Online. April 28, 1998.

Gwyn, Richard; "Landmines: A ban doesn't solve the problem;" December 17, 1997;;Online; May 25, 1998.

Human Rights Watch; Online; June 3, 1998.

Jefferson, Paul A.S.; "Judgement"; Online; March 12, 1998.

Muskie Club Members; "A View from the Chair: More than landmines" Online; March 12, 1998.

"The Nobel Peace Prize for 1997;" October 10, 1997;; Online. June 3, 1998.

Official Ottawa Process Website;; Online; March 14, 1998.

Physicians for Human Rights;; Online; May 15, 1998.

Spring, Baker; "Why a global ban on landmines doesn't work" January 17, 1997;; Online; April 17, 1998.

"Superman raises landmine awareness" (graphic);; Online. April 23, 1998.

"Tun Channareth"; Online. June 1, 1998.

"UNICEF calls for an international law banning land-mines;" 1996;;Online; April 3, 1998.

United Press International; "Britain Speeds up landmine destruction;" January 29, 1998; Yahoo News; Online; May 28, 1998.

Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation;;Online; March 10, 1998.

Wareham, Mary; "US to Join mine ban nogotiations, but with unacceptable conditions;" August 19, 1997; Online; April 25, 1998.

Williams, Jody; "Full text of Nobel Lecture";Online; March 20, 1998.


Other Sources:

Amos, Tori; "Crucify" from Little Earthquakes; Atlantic Recording Company; 1991.

Burkhalther, Holly, et al.; "Medical Group faults flawed timing but welcomes US intent to sign landmine treaty" Press Release by Physicians for Human Rights; May 22, 1998.

Inderfutth, Karl F., Ambassaor; "National Statement of the United States" Ottawa: US Department of State; December 4, 1997

Obuchi, Keizo, Foreign Minister of Japan; Statement of Congratualations to Jody Williams and the ICBL; October 10, 1997.

One Step at a Time: The Campaign to Ban Landmines; produced by Mines Action Canada; 1998.

Susannah Sirkin, interview by authors, video recording, Boston, Ma., 29 May 1998

Williams, Jody; "A Global Ban on Landmines- treaty signing conference and mine action forum" Speech presented at the Ottawa Conference; October 3, 1997.


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