John Greene, who has been spending this summer working as an Instructor for the Courageous Sailing Center, "We're teaching the children of Boston to sail for free over there"; will be in the ninth grade at Boston Latin in the Fall. Although he's moving up to high school freshman status, he's not quite sure whether to expect major changes, considering that he's already been at the school for two years. John stays busy during the year providing
technical support on Latin School's Macintosh computers, working on the Layout staff of the school newspaper, the Argo, and playing
soccer and basketball with neighborhood teams. John became interested in the Seevak projects two years ago- but to late to participate, when he was already helping out in the "Mac Lab," as a seventh grader, while the contest participants were putting together their projects. He attended the presentation of the 1998 projects and from that point on, "sort of got hooked on it." He had a very positive experience with the project and feels that it can be a very important
experience for students, "[It] entices people to really get into computers and with the whole internet, it's really important . . . [something] go me to do it- I really made time for it . . . [the projects] got lots of people involved in and interested in web design so that they might even go for a career in web design." Moreover, he feels that another important aspect of the contest was that it enabled students to learn from one another: "All the projects people did got me interested and I wanted to find out more about them and learn more about them."