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A mixture of elegance and charm, Irene Kopitov, known as the "Copertop" , "Reenes", or the demonic "Ukraine Train", has that certain "je ne sais quoi." Her resume goes on forever, ranging from volunteering at a day care center for homeless children to advocating for the senior class as a class committee representative, to a former crew villain, which she gave up to do the Seevak project (such dedication!). The idea of bringing awareness to Lenny Zakim's unbelievable accomplishments was what originally drew her to participating in the project. "It was interesting to create a web site on such a contemporary and local figure, having the opportunity to interview people that actually knew him, his close friends and family, who talked so openly and honestly, gave us all a sense of how real his impact was. It was amazing to have those primary sources as we were learning about him." Undoubtedly well-rounded, Irene will be attending Barnard College in the fall where she hopes to major in architecture and continue exploring her artistic affinities. The creative genius (although she denies it) will be creating skyscrapers in NYC in no time.

- by Kathryn Cohen