The Klan Ledger

An Official Publication of the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of Mississippi (July, 1964)


            We are now in the midst of the “long, hot summer” of agitation which was promised to the Innocent People of Mississippi by the savage blacks and their community masters...

            The recent events in Neshoba County and Statewide call for a message to the general public and the citizens of the great state of Mississippi. The arch-traitor and long-time betrayer of patriots the world over, Dulles, has used his lying tongue to try and convince the American public that this organization was involved in the so-called “disappearance”. We were NOT involved, and there was NO DISAPPEARANCE. Anyone who is so simple that he cannot recognize a communist hoax which is as plain as the one they pulled on Kennedy in Dallas (and which Earl Warren is working so hard to cover-up), had better do a little reading in J. Edgar Hoover’s primer on communism, “MASTERS OF DECEIT”...

            There is no racial problem here in this state. Our system of strict segregation permits the two races to live in close proximity and harmony with each other and eliminates any racial problem...Bi-racial groups are the greatest danger we face in this State today. These groups have absolutely no legal standing whatsoever... Bi-racial groups have brought violence and bloodshed to every area in which they have been recognized. The surest way to have violence in Mississippi is for anyone to give any weight or recognize the authority of a bi-racial group...

            We are not going to recognize the authority of any bi-racial group, NOR THE AUTHORITY OF ANY PUBLIC OFFICIAL WHO ENTERS INTO ANY AGREEMENT WITH ANY SUCH SOVIET ORGANIZATION. We Knights are working day and night to preserve Law and Order here in Mississippi, in the only way that it can be preserved; by strict segregation of the races, and the control of the social structure in the hands of the Christian, Anglo-Saxon White men, the only race on earth that can build and maintain just and stable governments. We are deadly serious about this business. We have taken no action as yet against the enemies of our State, our Nation and our Civilization, but we are not going to sit back and permit our rights and the rights of our posterity to be negotiated away by a group composed of atheistic priests, brainwashed black savages, and mongrelized money-worshipers, meeting with some stupid or cowardly politician. Take heed, atheists and mongrels, we will not travel your path to Leninist Hall, but we will buy YOU a ticket to the Eternal if you insist.