Ann Fox was born in a rural Michigan town in 1934. It was here that she spent her early years and where her interest in social activism initially sprouted. In the 1953 Ann left her rural surroundings to attend the University of Michigan where she studied to be a social worker. In 1957 she left Michigan all together, moving to New York, at that time a center for Catholic reform movements.

In 1958 she took her vows in the order Sisters of Charity. The order was focused on its sisters reaching out and giving back to the community, giving Sister Ann the perfect opportunity to combine her two great passions: Catholicism and social activism. Sister Ann's time as a Sister of Charity ended in the 1966, after the announcement of the highly controversial Vatican II decrees. Although Sister Ann was highly supportive of the reforms, the order had a reactionary response to the reforms, becoming more conservative and introverted.

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