Apart from the League of Nations and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Balch was involved in many other humanitarian movements.

   During her teaching years at Wellesley College, Balch was a member of two municipal boards, one concerning children and the other concerning urban planning.

   She was also a member of two state commissions, one involving industrial education and the other involving immigration. Balch further displayed her humanitarianism through her participation in movements for women's suffrage, racial justice, calling for the halt of child labor, better wages and improved conditions of labor.

   Balch had always been concerned with the issue of peace and had been keen on following the progressions of the peace conferences of The Hague, held in order to discuss national policies to prevent World War I, in 1899 and 1907.

   However, it was the closing of World War I in 1924 that drove her to dedicate the rest of her life to aid in the struggle for world peace. In 1915, she became a delegate to the International Congress of Women at The Hague, where the attendees formulated realistic postbellum policies for belligerent nations to follow.

   Balch's participation was important in several crucial projects, including the founding of the Women's International Committee for Permanent Peace (whose name would later be changed to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom), preparing peace proposals that would be considered by the warring nations, and serving in a delegation, which was sponsored by the Congress, to the Scandinavian countries and Russia to convince their governments to draw up compromises.

   Balch's writing also held an important impact on the movement for world peace. In collaboration with Jane Addams and Alice Hamilton, Balch wrote "Women at The Hague: The International Congress of Women and Its Results".

   Balch was a member of Henry Ford's Neutral Conference for Continuous Mediation, which was based in Stockholm. There, Balch wrote a position paper titled "International Colonial Administration", which proposed a system of administration very similar to that later adopted by the League of Nations.

   After her participation in the Neutral Conference for Continuous Mediation, Balch returned to the United States, where she protested against America's entry into World War I.

   Upon a request to extend her leave of absence, the faculty of Wellesley then decided to terminate her employment. She later joined the editorial staff of "The Nation" and wrote an article titled "Approaches to Great Settlement".

   In 1919, she attended the second convention of the International Congress of Women that took place in Zurich, where she accepted the invitation to become the secretary of its operating organization, the WILPF (The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom), whose headquarters were located in Geneva. She retired from this position in 1922, but when the League was short on money, Balch agreed to take up the position without salary for a year and a half. Later, when Balch was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, she donated the money to the League.

   The many organizations that Balch took part in deeply touched her and she never took up a position she didn't believe in whole-heartedly. Her zeal inspired those around her to keep campaigning for improved conditions for citizens of the world and she never gave up her fight for justice and peace on the world front. Her legacy is not one of just finding organizations, but also of working with different outlets to spread her message of peace and understanding.