Foreign Views

The news of the “crisis” in Mississippi spread across the world and into the news of various countries. The London Daily Express said that the Civil War 100 years ago is revived and boiling once again. Some other London newspapers stated that the advocates for segregation could not win this fight but can only prolong it. The Paris newspaper L’Aurore called the James Meredith story “more than saddening.” This newspaper also said that Americans would probably ignore these comments because Americans considered themselves better than the rest of the world, which is true for some Americans. Even Russia and Germany look down on the United States because there is still a country, which acts as a model civilization with people who still “distinguish between their kind according to the color of their skin.” One Russian newspaper even ridiculed the United States and the American government because of this incident. Foreign countries view this incident as absurd because even they have resolved race issues while the country that is supposed to be in the lead has yet to solve the race problem.

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