Meet Candace

Candace is a 16-year-old junior at Boston Latin School and this is her first year doing the Seevak competition. She is currently a competitive dancer at the Beverly Richards Dance Studio in East Boston and is actively involved in her community's elementary schools teaching dance classes. In school, Candace participates every year in a tutoring program during her study periods to assist the underclassmen in their studies. Her Seevak topic was Vjeko Curic, and she was astounded by the ignorance and indifference of the nation she lives in, and how a body of people can move mountains for one particular targeted group, yet the nation prefers to pretend that those mountains do not exist. She learned a lot from her project and hopes to view this tragedy as an example of why one must always reach out when possible, because you never know how much you are needed, and how much it means to another.
