Rigoberta Menchu

About Our Site

Rigoberta Menchu is an extraordinary individual who has been greatly influenced by her Mayan culture and traditions. We strove to portray her love of her homeland through a background image of the Guatemalan altiplano. This image, designed by Emily Chang, is a representation of the place in which Menchu grew and in which she fought courageously for her people's rights. In addition, the inspirational quotes at the onset of this site were delivered by Menchu on various occasions for promoting peace. The last major aspect of our site is the link to the Rigoberta Menchu Foundation, which highlights her goals for the future.


We would like to especially thank Barry Tomasini who has helped us tremendously in this endeavor, and Ms. Freeman for being an excellent support and for continuing on this Seevak competition as set forth by our cherished alumnus, Sheldon Seevak.