Most people are familiar with the distinguished life of Reggie Lewis. He played the game of basketball with more fire and passion than anyone at Northeastern University before him . His success continued when he was recruited to the Boston Celtics.

Even after his untimely death in 1993, his legacy is still just as prominent in life. With the help of his friends and his devoted wife, Donna Harris-Lewis, the goals and missions of Reggie Lewis are still being achieved today. Reggie had a life long commitment to ameliorating the lives of the poor and serving as a role model for young people.

For the past four years, students and teachers from several different states have come together to create a united front against racism and discrimination in the Team Harmony celebration which Reggie Lewis helped to start. Over the past several years, the first lady Hillary Clinton has been a keynote speaker and an integral supporter of the program.

The Peer Leadership Program which has worked out of Dimock Health Center since 1989, later was named after Reggie Lewis. This program encourages kids to help each other organize, support and encourage each other to excel.

If you are interested in finding out more information on Reggie Lewis' life please look at our Bibliography or contact your local library.