Freedom House

An organization founded by Eleanor Roosevelt and Wendall Wilkie in 1941 to promote peace and democracy in America, Europe and beyond. Its works exemplifies many of the ideals that Mrs. Roosevelt felt strongly about, including human rights and democratic values. Freedom House has several different programs, including those that help to promote rights such as freedom of speech as well as programs that develop the skills of people.

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Red Cross

During World War II, Eleanor actively supported American Red Cross civilian relief efforts for the refugees in Europe through radio broadcasts prior to America's entry into the conflict. Also, in 1943, she visited a variety of American Red Cross recreational facilities and military hospitals in the Southwest Pacific, including Australia. The American Red Cross is an organization that provides relief and aid for those in disaster situations.

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League of Women Voters

In 1919 Eleanor joined the League of Women Voters, advocating women to excercise their newly acquired right to vote. The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation of women in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

click here for League of Women Voters




Americans for Democratic Action


Eleanor Roosevelt co-founded Americans for Democratic Action with: labor leader Walter Reuther, economist John Kenneth Galbraith, historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, and former Vice President Hubert Humphrey. Created to influence Democratic Party platforms, it has fought for civil rights and civil liberties issues, worker's rights, and women's issues, and other ideals that Mrs. Roosevelt felt passionately about. For example, recently it has tried to bring about better nuclear control and, increases in the minimum wage, and the Federal budget and tax policy.

At left is a picture of Eleanor at an ADA foreign policy meeting. At right is a picture of an ADA march.

click here for the Americans for Democratic Action


National Committee For An Effective Congress

In 1948, Eleanor Roosevelt and her friends envisioned an organization that would pool the resources of small contributors from across the country and then spend those funds to help elect progressive candidates to the U.S. Senate and House. Called the National Committee for an Effective Congress, it supports progressive candidates who fight for the issues they believe in, like freedom of choice, separation of church and state, gun control, equal rights, and environmental protection.

click here for National Committee for an Effective Congress


Eleanor Roosevelt Institute at Val-Kill

In 1925 Eleanor and Franklin built a house at Val-Kill in Hyde Park, New York. Eleanor also founded a furniture factory in Val-Kill to provide a good work environment for factory workers. The Eleanor Roosevelt Institute at Val-Kill was originally established in 1977 to lead a historic preservation movement to preserve Mrs. Roosevelt's home at Val-Kill for future generations as a National Historic Site. The Eleanor Roosevelt Center at Val-Kill (ERVK) is a non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to Eleanor Roosevelt's belief that people can enhance the quality of their lives through purposeful action based on sensitive discourse among people of diverse perspectives focusing on the varied needs of society.

click here for Eleanor Roosevelt Institute at Val Kill


United Nations

During the formative years, Eleanor Roosevelt served as a delegate to the United Nations during the first session of the General Assembly in 1945, and later was appointed to represent the United States at the United Nations during the period 1949-1952, and again in 1961. Her greatest legacy concerning the United Nations was as Chairperson of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, where she played a major role in drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Eleanor Roosevelt embodied the ideals of the United Nations, and played a fundamental role in ensuring that the principles it were implemented.

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The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, or the NAACP, is the oldest civil rights organization in the United States, founded in 1909 under the strength of W. E. B. Dubois. The NAACP strives to ensure political, educational, social and economic equality for minority group citizens, and especially African-Americans, of the United States. In 1945 Eleanor Roosevelt became a board member of the group, looking to achieve an "integrated society rich in diversity and open equally to al" along with her fellow members. Eleanor joined the NAACP in

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