On the contrary to the feelings of those who opposed the decision made by the United States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit in the Meredith v. Fair case, some people, including some Southerners, approved of this decision and support it. They thought that this incident became so out of order was because of intransigent and irresponsible political leader ship and the reactionary press, as a minister from Moss Point, Mississippi meantioned to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. The two Jackson papers – The Clarion Ledger and The Jackson Daily News – had been raucous toward this incident. The newspapers and politicians purposely aroused and inflamed the people and thus, influencing their feelings toward integration. Even the legislature was willing to pass some of the most senseless and unconstitutional laws to aid Governor Ross Barnett’s defiance against the federal government. Governor Ross Barnett did not have the support of all the people in Mississippi, although most would like to preserve segregation because they were accustomed to it in their whole lives. There were many other places that started eliminating segregation during this time and many thought that segregation would reach Mississippi as well.