James Meredith began his lone March Against Fear on June 5, 1966 to protest racism. The march began in Memphis and ended in Jackson. During the march, Aubrey James Norvell shot James Meredith in his back and legs. The shooter was arrested and was sentenced to five years in prison after he confessed. While James Meredith was in the hospital, others took up the task and continued the march. Among these important figures were Martin Luther King Jr., Stokely Carmichael and Floyd McKissick. The march was renamed the Meredith March and gained thousands of black marchers. Although James Meredith was injured, he was still able to continue the march. During the march, it is estimated that around 2,500 and 3,000 black Mississippians registered to vote. The Mississippi Highway Patrol guarded the main route but the side routes were attacked. At the end of the march, there were around 15,000 people that do not include their protectors. During the march, Stokely Carmichael showed the first sign of public support for Black Power.

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