Roman Catholic Christianity
Mother Teresa was a Roman Catholic Christian, commonly just known as Catholicity. The Roman Catholic Church is actually the largest Christian church in the world, containing over one billion followers. It is led by the Pope. It is among the oldest religious organizations in history. It's mission is to spread "the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that it's bishops are the successors of Christ's apostles and the Pope s the successor to St. Peter". The Catholic Church expresses its worship through the Eucharist (mass) where the church teaches that "bread and wine are superaturally transubstantiated into the body and blood of Christ". They honor Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ.
Roman Catholicism traces its history to the apostles, the Apostle Peter. St. Peter is considered the first pope and is one of their biggest apostels. Roman Catholic beliefs are not different from other major branches of Christianity. It holds to the doctrine of the Trinity, the divinity of Christ and the inspiration of the Bible. Some specific Roman Catholic beliefs are the authority of the pope, the capability of saints to advocate for believers, the idea that Purgatory is afterlife purification before arriving in Heaven, and the doctrine of transubstantiation. Catholics follow seven sacraments, which are religious rituals thought to be obligated by God and important in giving grace to the believer.There are some Catholic monastic orders. Unlike their similar religions Catholic priests promise celibacy.
Mother Teresa's faith
Mother Teresa was a Roman Catholic Christian, who privately had doubts about her religious life, where she felt that God was not with her. However, she remained faithful and continued to pray and believe in His presence. She once wrote, “Where is my faith? Even deep down... there is nothing but emptiness and darkness...If there be God - please forgive me.” She was a worshipper of Mary and Christ. She believed that all men are children of god and that destroying unborn children (known as abortion) was destroying God.
After a period of 10 years of childhood where she doubted God, she was able to renew her faith in God for a short time. She wrote to her confessors and superiors over a 66 year period . Although she had asked that those letters be destroyed because she thought that people might think “more of me, less of Jesus,” the letters were kept.
Most news channels call Mother Teresa’s writing as a “crisis of faith.” Others however considered it as growth in her belief and spirituality. The letters had no result on her way to sainthood. Mother Theresa once said, “It is only by mental prayer and spiritual reading that we can cultivate the gift of prayer.