Carl Wilkens Inside Rwanda
In April 1994 Carl Wilkens had to make one important decision if not one the most important decisions in his life; whether or not he should stay in Rwanda or flee with the rest of the Americans away from the emerging genocide. As the only American who stayed in Rwanda, Cark Wilkens decided with his family that he would stay while his wife and children would return home for safety reasons. By staying in Rwanda, not only did Carl Wilkens help those that needed it, but he also saved many lives.
Wilkens decided to stay as he had Tutsis who were working for him within his house. He knew that if he didn't stay, they would surely be endangered greatly. For the first three weeks of the Genocide, Wilkens stayed in his house. When he did come out, he did what ever was needed to help save people's lives from transporting supplies to putting his life on the line by protecting people. During his time in Rwanda, Wilkens was director of (ADRA) Adventist Development and Relief Agency which went around giving out much needed supplies. One instance of his work was when the Gisimba Orphanage was endangered of being attacked by militia men. They did not attack while he was there so he decided to stay the night to protect them. He then found some gandarmes (a group of military personal performing the duties of the police) to protect the orphanage while he tried going to the governor to stop the atrocities. While at the office of Governor Tharcisse Renzaho he met and convinced Prime Minister Jean Kambanda to stop the attack. Which was an amazing feat as it is believed that Kambanda and Renzaho were some of the people controlling the genocide. By doing this Wilkens saved the lives of the people in the orphanage and even managed to get them to the safe haven of Saint Michaels Cathedral.
During the genocide Carl Wilkens straddled the line of Laws and morality but always sought to help as many people as possible. He has been criticized for working with war criminals, however each time it was for the greater good. He made such in impact that after the genocide he was asked by the Rwanda Patriotic Front to stay and help pass out supplies along with water and food.
Carl Wilkens made such a large impact that when he went to give a sermon at Kigali in December of 2005 over 3000 people came to see him. His humanitarian actions helped many within Rwanda. So follow his example and do what is right and stand against genocide.