About ACE

Climate change is real; however, many choose to do nothing. The Alliance for Climate Education (ACE) believes that children can make changes upon global climate impact by doing something to reduce the Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere. The ACE organization, beginning with five interns, under their instructor of Ace Board, Mike Haas and ACE’s current Director of Development, Blakely Atherton. They began to work on a PowerPoint presentation about climate change to use throughout several high schools. ACE was developed in Oakland, California on June 2008. With two years now in progress they’ve traveled across the country to present this presentation to high school students. After seven months of working on the presentation, the ACE organization presented for the first time at Skyline High School in Oakland, California on February 12, 2009. By the summer of 2009, they worked with the Free Range Studio to develop a high-tech version of the presentation.

“Lower Your Emissions, Raise Your Voice!” This is ACE’s slogan; it reaches out to students and believing that youth can make a difference by helping the environment and being cool at the same time. What’s so great is that you can make a difference by just doing any kind of simple task. ACE is encouraging teens to raise their voice through campaigns such as their current project “DOT” or “Do One Thing” (Self-Explanatory). After many years of traveling from school to school, they are well on their way to reach their goals of 300,000 students nation-wide by the end of the spring semester of 2010.

ACE is a non-profit organization and they even give scholarships to youth that decides to take actions after being inspired with ACE’s presentation. Over the course of hard works ACE had done, it was quite worth the works. Many teens began to raise their voices and made videos and posting them on the Internet to share with others. ACE believes that youth will be the ones that take the extra steps and fight against the Global Climate. Together us youth will be able to crush the Global Climate Change!

Keep our Home Clean!

Use water bottle over again to drink instead of plastic bottles.

Ride your bike to school.

Reduce the amount of CO2 level which is rapidly increasing.

“Lower Your Emissions, Raise Your Voice!”