Current Project

A future goal that ACE would like to accomplish is the "Do One Thing" campaign, otherwise known as DOT. ACE is planning to get video clips of students telling one thing that they would do or change to help climate change. They could say anything from "I will ride my bike to school" to "I will plant trees in my local garden.” It can be anything helpful to the environment.

You can help out the environment while being cool at the same time. “No sweat!” We can all help out the environment by doing the simplest tasks, such as changing a light bulb or using your powers efficiently. Don’t be “vampires” draining out the energy from the electricity socket. Turn off lights that are not necessary. The list goes on and on! It may sound overwhelming; that’s why ACE believes in our youth generation to take a step and fight back global warming. Together we can make a great difference to our mother earth.

It’s as easy as it sounds. Their goal is to collect DOTs from the youth. If everyone were to do such simple tasks, reaching the goal would come in no time! ACE says, “Imagine the impact of connecting the DOTs from around the world - it all adds up to changing the future for the better!” if everyone does just one thing to help the environment, the amount of DOTs that we’ll be able to connect will be incredible. We can make such a great difference! You can submit your DOTs to ACE by texting your DOT to 30644 and follow very easy and entertaining directions. You can also post you DOTs on your Facebook wall or post a DOT comment on their site at

ACE's D.O.T Suggestions

Here are some DOTs that you could do. You can start by doing the easy thing first, then you can advance yourself as you go. If everyone were to do these DOTs, even with the easy ones, it would help greatly. Remember to pass it on. You can find more or these on their website at