About Us

We are 8th graders attending Boston Latin School. This website was built for the Seevak Website Competition, where teams of three built websites about people who made an impact in society within the last century. We decided to research Al Gore after watching An Inconvenient Truth in class. We were inspired to reach out, and try to learn more about Gore; thus, this website was built. Below is a reflection on the entire Seevak process and competition from each member.


Seevak provided an interesting experiece for me. This is the first time that I actually made a website from scratch although I have made websites with a template. I enjoyed this project a lot despite the amount of time it took to create. This was a great time and allowed me to do something that I always dreamed of doing: designing a website of my own.


I loved doing Seevak. Although it was stressful and hard at times, it was awfully fun.


I have always been fascinated with computers. I have always been working with basic, fundamental user interfaces and software. I decided to do Seevak to understand more about webdesign as well as programs such as Dreamweaver and Photoshop. This has been a wonderful experience for me. Even though it was hard to make it to the deadline, we still managed to get there.