Early Years

Born on the last day of March, Albert Arnold Gore Jr. was entered into double worlds. His father was the Democratic senator from Tennessee. Because of this, young Gore had to spend his school year living in a hotel room. Then on the summers, Gore returned to Carthage, Tennessee to work on the family farm. To the young Gore, the farm presented a beautiful scenery and peaceful atmosphere.

His sister, Nancy, was one of his closest friends. But when she died of lung cancer as a young woman due to her smoking of tobacco from an early age, grieves of the loss lead the family to terminate their tobacco growth.

Gore attended the St. Alban's School all the way through high school. Then, Gore was admitted to the only college to which he applied, Harvard. His initial major was in English. However, Gore found his course to be or no interest to him and though he received cum laude, Gore switched majors and pursued government and law.