
The Seevak Website Competition


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Founded in 1980 and headquartered in Norfolk, Virginia, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), the largest animal rights organization in the world, focuses on the treatment of animals on factory farms, in the production of clothing, in laboratories, and in entertainment.

Visit their site »

Meet the Team

Meet Connie Connie
Meet Julia Julia
Meet Michael Michael

Meet Connie

Connie is your typical high school girl. She loves eating, sleeping, relaxing, coding, writing, and designing. She also like to play guitar and is a serious Pokemon battler.

Meet Julia

This is Julia’s second year doing Seevak. A member of class V, she loves animals, the environment, television, reading, making music, and all sorts of crafts. Exploring PETA as her Seevak project has deeply disturbed her due to the cruelty toward animals around the world, although it has encouraged her to be braver and to become involved with animal rights.

Meet Michael

Michael is a short boy who is proud of his Greek heritage (the food is delicious). He hides whenever he sees a camera and has a terribly bad habit of procrastination. Thanks to the fact that he has a crazy imagination and is a good listener, he always has something to say.